New Year, New Website, New Portfolio
I guess the blog post reaches you all a little late, but I have been swamped putting together this new website together and completing the annual update on my portfolios, which you can find here. So what’s new - everything. And I guess the reason any rational person would ask is why. It’s simple: the home on the web has got a bit tired and dated, updating has become difficult, and much of the technology is old. The hosting account is up for renewal this year, so this seemed like a good time.
At the time of writing, I am not sponsored by Squarespace so I can mention without having any particular loyalty to them or any other provider that using their platform to put this together has been a joy. It just works, I guess I have the advantage of having been on the Web for over 20 years now producing my own websites across a number of platforms I understand what I am doing.
The reason I moved across to this solution rather than stick with coding from scratch is simplification. As with all of my photography workflows keeping it simple is important, the time must go into the photography - that’s where the real enjoyment is, it’s why the website, social media accounts and Youtube channel exist. So Welcome to the new website, I hope you enjoy it, come back regularly it’s going to take centre stage in everything I do online.
TOUGH CONDITIONS: Seascape Photography Tips
Check Out The Full Video On YouTube. 1st Cornish Van Tour And Photography Adventure.